SettingsTypeDefault valueDescription
allow-flightbooleanfalseAllows users in survival mode to fly (does not affect Elytra). This option also doesn’t affect creative mode.
false - Flight is not allowed (players in air for at least 5 seconds get kicked).
true - Flight is allowed, and used if the player has a fly mod installed.
broadcast-console-to-opsbooleantrueSends console command outputs to in-game operators.
false - Stops sending console command outputs to in-game operators.
broadcast-rcon-to-opsbooleantrueSends rcon console command outputs to in-gane operators.
false - Stop sending rcon console command outputs to in-game operators.
enable-command-blockbooleanfalseEnables/Disables command blocks.
false - Disables the use command blocks.
true - Enables the use of command blocks.
enable-jmx-monitoringbooleanfalseExposes an MBean with the Object name net.minecraft.server:type=Server and two attributes averageTickTime and tickTimes exposing the tick times in milliseconds.
In order for enabling JMX on the Java runtime you also need to add a couple of JVM flags to the startup as documented here.
enable-rconbooleanfalseEnables/Disables remote access to the server console.
false - Disables remote access to the server console.
true - Enables remote access to the server console.
enable-statusbooleantrueShows the server’s running status on Minecraft Server List.
false - Server will be shown as offline but will accept connections from the player.
true - Runs as normal.
enable-querybooleanfalseEnables GameSpy4 protocol server listener. Used to get information about server.
true - Enables the GameSpy4 protocol so that Online Server Status sites get the information about your server.
enforce-secure-profilebooleantrueIf set to true, players without a Mojang-signed public key will not be able to connect to the server.
enforce-whitelistbooleanfalseWhen enabled (set to true), players that are not present in the whitelist of the server gets kicked from the server when the server reloads the whitelist.
entity-broadcast-range-percentageinteger (10-1000)100This settings controls how close entities need to be before sending to the player. Higher the value, further the entities will be hence, causing server lag.
force-gamemodebooleanfalseChanges the gamemode to the default gamemode set by the server irrelevant of which gamemode they left there server in.
false - Players join in the gamemode they left in.
true - Players always join in the default gamemode.
function-permission-levelinteger (1-4)2Changes the default permission level required for running functions.
1 - Moderator.
2 - Gamemaster.
3 - Admin.
4 - Owner.
generate-structuresbooleantrueAffects structures (such as villages etc.) spawning.
false - Structures are not generated in new chunks.
true - Structures are generated in new chunks.
generator-settingsstringThe settings used to customize world generation. Follow its format and write the corresponding JSON string
hardcorebooleanfalseIf set to true, the server will become a hardcore server. (Difficulty will be set to hard and gamemode will be change spectator when dead)
hide-online-playersbooleanfalseIf set to true, a player list request will not be sent to server status sites hence, shows 0 players when there might be players on the server.
initial-disabled-packsstringblankComma-separated list of datapacks to not be auto-enabled on world creation.
initial-enabled-packsstringvanillaComma-separated list of datapacks to be enabled during world creation. Feature packs need to be explicitly enabled.
level-namestringworldHere is where you put your default world name. You can change the world to your saved world folder by changing the value.
level-typestringminecraft:normalDetermines the world preset that is generated.
minecraft:normal - Standard world with hills, valleys, water, etc.
minecraft:flat - A flat world with no features, can be modified with generator-settings.
minecraft:large_biomes - Same as default but all biomes are larger.
minecraft:amplified - Same as default but world-generation height limit is increased.
minecraft:single_biome_surface - A buffet world which the entire overworld consists of one biome, can be modified with generator-settings.
buffet - Only for 1.15 or before. Same as default unless generator-settings is set.
default_1_1 - Only for 1.15 or before. Same as default, but counted as a different world type.
customized - Only for 1.15 or before. After 1.13, this value is no different than default, but in 1.12 and before, it could be used to create a completely custom world.
max-chained-neighbor-updatesinteger1000000Limiting the amount of consecutive neighbor updates before skipping additional ones.
max-tick-timeinteger (-1 or 0–(263 - 1))60000The maximum number of milliseconds a single tick may take before the server watchdog stops the server with the message, A single server tick took 60.00 seconds, Considering it to be crashed, server will forcibly shutdown
max-world-sizeinteger (1-29999984)29999984This sets the maximum possible size in blocks, expressed as a radius, that the world border can obtain.
- Setting max-world-size to 1000 allows the player to have a 2000×2000 world border.
network-compression-thresholdinteger256By default it allows packets that are n-1 bytes big to go normally, but a packet of n bytes or more gets compressed down. So, a lower number means more compression but compressing small amounts of bytes might actually end up with a larger result than what went in.
-1 - disable compression entirely.
0 - compress everything
online-modebooleantrueSetting this variable to off purposely is called “cracking” a server, and servers that are present with online mode off are called “cracked” servers, allowing players with unlicensed copies of Minecraft to join.
true - Enabled. The server assumes it has an Internet connection and checks every connecting player.
false - Disabled. The server does not attempt to check connecting players.
op-permission-levelinteger (0-4)4Sets the default permission level for ops when using /op.
player-idle-timeoutinteger0Players are kicked from the server after given minutes if the value is set to non-zero value.
prevent-proxy-connectionsbooleanfalseIf the ISP/AS sent from the server is different from the one from Mojang Studios’ authentication server, the player is kicked.
previews-chatbooleanfalseIf set to true, chat preview will be enabled.
true - Enabled. When enabled, a server-controlled preview appears above the chat edit box, showing how the message will look when sent.
false - Disabled.
query.portinteger (1-(216 - 2))25565Sets the port for the query server (see enable-query).
rate-limitinteger0Sets the maximum amount of packets a user can send before getting kicked. Setting to 0 disables this feature.
rcon.passwordstringblankSets the password for RCON: a remote console protocol that can allow other applications to connect and interact with a Minecraft server over the internet.
rcon.portinteger (1-(216 - 2))25575Sets the RCON network port.
resource-pack-promptstringblankOptional, adds a custom message to be shown on resource pack prompt when require-resource-pack is used.
resource-pack-sha1stringblankOptional, SHA-1 digest of the resource pack, in lowercase hexadecimal. It is recommended to specify this, because it is used to verify the integrity of the resource pack.
require-resource-packbooleanfalseWhen this option is enabled (set to true), players will be prompted to download the required resource pack given in resource-pack and will be disconnected if they decline the required pack.
server-ipstring0.0.0.0The player should set this if they want the server to bind to a particular IP.
server-portinteger (1-(216 - 2))25565Changes the port the server is being hosted on.
simulation-distanceinteger (3-32)10Sets the maximum distance from players that living entities may be located in order to be updated by the server, measured in chunks in each direction of the player (radius, not diameter). If entities are outside of this radius, then they will not be ticked by the server nor will they be visible to players.
spawn-animalsbooleantrueDetermines if animals can spawn.
true - Animals spawn as normal.
false - Animals immediately vanish.
spawn-monstersbooleantrueDetermines if monsters can spawn.
true - Enabled. Monsters appear at night and in the dark.
false - Disabled. No monsters.
NOTE: This setting has no effect if difficulty is peaceful. If difficulty is not at peaceful, a monster can still spawn from a monster spawner.
spawn-npcsbooleantrueIf changed, Villager spawning is affected.
true - Villagers shall spawn as normal.
false - Villagers shall not spawn.
spawn-protectioninteger16Determines the side length of the square spawn protection area as 2x+1. Setting this to 0 disables the spawn protection.
- A value of 1 protects a 3×3 square centered on the spawn point.
- 2 protects 5×5 etc.
If there are no ops set on the server, the spawn protection is disabled automatically as well.
sync-chunk-writesbooleantrueEnables synchronous chunk writes. synchronous chunk writes means that Region files are read/written in synchronous mode to help prevent data loss and corruption after crash.
use-native-transportbooleantrueLinux server performance improvements: optimized packet sending/receiving on Linux
true - Enable Linux packet sending/receiving optimization.
false - Disable Linux packet sending/receiving optimization.
view-distanceinteger (3-32)10Sets the amount of world data the server sends to the player, measured in chunks in each direction of the player (radius). It determines the server-side viewing distance.

This is the basics to the file on your server

The options missing here have already been explained thoroughly in our other articles at Basic Docs

If anything seems wrong make sure to Contact Us and let us know.