1. Login to your Wepwawet Control Panel
  1. Select your prefered server.
  1. Click on the Schedules tab

In this page, you can:

1. Create a new Schedule.

You can create a new schedule for a command, power action to happen.

You can the name the schedules whatever you want but we recommend it to name it so that it is distinguishable.

2. Manage your schedule.

You can add a task or edit your schedule actions.

3. Delete your schedule.

You can delete your schedules if there are mistakes etc.

4. Edit your schedule.

You can change the name or timings of the schedule.

5. Create a new task for the schedule.

You can make it so that the schedule activates a restart or takes a backup of the server by click on the New Task button.

How to use Schedules tab?

1. For Automated-backups:

I. Daily

  1. For daily backups, In the Minute Box put 0 and in the Hour Box put 0.

II. Weekly

1. For weekly backups, In the Minute Box put 0, In the Hour Box put 0 and in the Day of Week Box put 0.

III. Monthly

1.For monthly backups, In the Minute Box put 0, In the Hour Box put 0 and in the Day of Month Box put 1.

IV. Yearly

1. For Yearly backups, In the Minute Box put 0, In the Hour Box put 0, In the Day of Month Box put 1 and in the Month Box put  1

V. For custom time


 1. On Every Monday at 00:00 :    - In the Minute Box put 0, In the Hour Box put 0 and in the Day of Week Box put 1.

  1. On Every Thursday at 5:47 :    - In the Minute Box put 47, In the Hour Box put 5 and in the Day of Week Box put 4.

Day of Week numbers: 1- Monday, 2- Tuesday, 3- Wednesday, 4- Thursday, 5- Friday, 6- Saturday, 7- Sunday.

Month numbers: 1- January, 2- February, 3- March, 4- April, 5- May, 6- June, 7- July, 8- August, 9- September, 10- October, 11- November, 12- December.

Day of Month number: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. (30 and 31 depends on if the month has 30 or 31).

  1. After adding all the values, Click on Save Changes

Your new schedule has been added! Now to add a task to it.

  1. Click on the Manage Schedule
  1. Click on New Task
  1. In the Action drop down box, Select Create Backup then click Create Task
Your Automated Back-up has been created!

2. For Automated-Restart.

Create a new schedule and name is Automated-Restart and follow the time settings above.

After that Follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Manage Schedule
  1. Click on New Task
  1. In the Action drop down box, Select Send Power Action and under the Payload dropbox, Select Restart the Serverand Click Create Task
Your Automated Restart has been created!

3. For Automated-Commands

Create a new schedule and name is Automated-Commands and follow the time settings above.

After that Follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the Manage Schedule
  1. Click on New Task
  1. In the Action drop down box, Select Send Command and under the Payload, Type the command you want the server to execute at the given time (Without the ” / ” ). Then click Create Task.


     - Whitelist [playername]

     - Kick [playername]

Your Automated Command has been created!